"The Roman Catholic Hierarchy who penned a document
saying that some parts of the Bible are not true, are sadly misguided."
So says best-selling author Ray Comfort, the co-host of an award-winning
television series and compiler of The Evidence Bible. The Catholic
bishops of England, Wales and Scotland last week warned their five
million worshippers, as well as any others drawn to the study of
Scripture, that they should not expect "total accuracy" from the Bible.
Comfort said, "I have spoken at prestigious universities such as Yale,
UCLA and Berkeley on the subject of the authenticity of the Bible, and
I've been a platform speaker for American Atheists Inc. at their annual
National Convention on the same subject, and I have found that most
people who doubt the Bible have never studied it in depth.
"When these men make statements such as 'We should not expect to find in
Scripture full scientific accuracy or complete historical precision,' they reveal that they have no idea what the Bible contains. In The
Evidence Bible we show that the Scriptures contain many medical and
scientifically accurate facts, and these were written thousands of years
before modern science discovered them.
"For example, 3,000 years ago, when scientists then believed that the
earth was flat, the Book of Isaiah was scientifically accurate when it
spoke of the earth as being a sphere. The Book of Job was scientifically
accurate when it said that the earth had a free float in space. Science
then believed that the earth sat on a large animal, and it wasn't
discovered that the earth "hangeth upon nothing" until 1650.
"Over one thousand years before Christ, when dealing
with disease, the Book of Leviticus insisted that hands should be washed
under running water. For thousands of years doctors washed their hands
in standing water. If they had believed the Bible and had done what it
said to do, multitudes wouldn't have died because of their unhygienic
"These are just a few of many scientific and medical truths hidden in
the Scriptures that prove beyond a doubt that the Bible is
scientifically accurate and therefore supernatural in origin.
"Despite what skeptics say, it is easily proven that the Bible hasn't
changed for thousands of years. Science is continually changing its
mind. Much of what we believe to be scientifically accurate today will
be laughed at in a hundred years time."
As part of their award-winning television series, The Way of the Master,
Comfort and his co-host, actor Kirk Cameron, produced a program on the
subject of evolution that he says reveals the unscientific nature of the
theory. "We even took an orangutan to a local restaurant and discussed
the subject over lunch." Comfort said. "Once you see how scientifically
flimsy the entire theory of evolution is, it gives much more credence to
intelligent design and the Genesis account, something these bishops have
totally discounted."
He added, "What these men profess to believe makes no sense. They accept
the incredible miracle of the virgin birth, the entire Sermon on the
Mount, and that Jesus rose bodily from the dead. That means they believe
that He was the Son of God. Yet when they reject the Genesis account of
creation they are saying that Jesus was deceived and therefore fallible,
because it's abundantly clear from the New Testament that He believed
it. If Genesis is untrue, then Jesus wasn't God incarnate, [which they
profess to believe].
"The Evidence Bible also lists one hundred percent accurate biblical
prophecies. The Scriptures predict that in the days preceding the "end
of this age" that there would be earthquakes happening in different
parts of the world, increased violence, nation rising against nation,
wars, a breakdown of the institution of marriage, famines, increase in
vegetarianism, outbreaks of disease, people having a 'form of
godliness,' money hungry preachers deceiving multitudes and slurring the
name of Christianity, a general denial of a worldwide flood, skeptics
saying that these 'signs' have always been around, and the Jews
possessing Jerusalem. The Jews obtained Jerusalem in 1967 after being
without a homeland for 2,000 years, bringing into culmination all these
'signs of the times.' The Bible also predicted that in these days
Jerusalem would become a burden to all nations.
"When we
see all these things happening around us, any reasonable person is
forced to the conclusion that the Bible is no ordinary book. It has the
fingerprints of divine inspiration all over it.
ironic that these bishops condemn those who believe the Bible for their
'intransigent intolerance' and to warn of 'significant dangers' involved
in their beliefs. They say 'Such an approach is dangerous, for example,
when people of one nation or group see in the Bible a mandate for their
own superiority, and even consider themselves permitted by the Bible to
use violence against others.' In the name of tolerance the Bishops
themselves show complete intolerance towards believers of the Bible.
Perhaps they have forgotten that history reveals that for hundreds of
years it was the Catholic church that forbade the reading of the Bible,
and used horrific violence against many others during the Inquisitions
and the Crusades."
"Some may think that the total reliability of Scripture isn't an
important issue, but the implications are very profound. If it is indeed
true that all Scripture is given by inspiration of God as the Bible says
it is, then the promise of Heaven for those who are born again is a
reality. But that means that the promise of Hell for those who refuse to
believe and obey the command to repent and trust the Savior, is also
Comfort's Evidence Bible was a finalist in the 2002 Gold Medallion
Awards, and has been commended by respected Christian leaders such as
Josh McDowell, Franklin Graham and Dr. D. James Kennedy. It also
contains information that he maintains proves how archaeology and
history attest to the reliability of the Bible, as well as answering 100
commonly asked questions of the Christian faith; such as Who made God,
and Why is there suffering? He has also written a book called Scientific
Facts in the Bible . . . 100 reasons to believe the Bible is
supernatural in origin (Bridge Logos Publishers). He said that if the
bishops would be willing to open it [and read it], he would gladly send
each of them a free copy.