Christian Living

Showing 21 - 30 of 68 Results
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21. God Knows You're Human
  • $14.99
Elijah, Jonah, and David were flawed individuals, so why doesn't their stumbling humanity disqualify them spiritually? Author Terry Virgo offers hope for Christians who think they have to be perfect.
978-1-905991-30-3 - TPB - 192 pgs - Terry Virgo
22. God The Redeemer
  • $15.99
God the Redeemer deals with the subject of redemption through Christ. It shows how God works in the hearts of human beings and refutes the concept of free will.
23. GPS for the Soul
  • $15.99
This unique book gives God?s Positioning System for your soul.
978-1-61036-004-3 - TPB - 350 pgs - Liberty Savard
24. Grace and Forgiveness
  • $9.99
This book teaches how to live in grace, practice forgiveness regularly, and leave justice in the hands of God.
978-1-905991-36-5 TPB - 80 pgs - John and Carol Arnott
25. Have You Passed the DNA Test?
  • $16.99
This book looks at the characteristics of Christ and asks the question, "If the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in us, shouldn't we have the same family resemblance?"
978-1-905991-54-9 TPB - 240 pgs - Dr David Carr
26. How to Live Like a King's Kid
  • $13.99
Miracles happen when you take God at His word. A challenging life-changing book.
978-0-88270-375-6 - PB 5.5 x 8.5 - 200 pgs - Harold Hill
27. Humility
  • $12.99
It has been said that pride is the mother of all sins, and, unfortunately, Christians often suffer from it as much as non-believers. For that reason, this book should be read time and again by every Christian.
978-0-88270-854-6 - TPB - 144 pgs - Andrew Murray - Audio Download
28. Identity Theft: Finding the Missing Person in You
  • $11.99
Learn how to discover your true identity in Christ, God's plan for your life, and now to protect and nurture your identity.
978-1-905991-11-2 - TPB - 128 pgs - Dr. John Andrews
29. In Search of Blessings
  • $13.99
Kathryn Kuhlman teaches how God's children can take hold of His kingdom through His promises.
978-0-88270-869-0 - TPB - 152 pgs - Kathryn Kuhlman
30. New Age Lies Exposed
  • $11.99
Taking on the issue of "spectator Christianity" in his book, Infusion, Jack Redmond writes to a Church that has been passive in reaching out to a sinful and dying world.
978-0-88270-441-8 - TPB - 176 pgs - Jack Redmond
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