A New Vision for Dating

A New Vision for Dating

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A New Vision for Dating is more than just a guide for singles or the "single-again" adult. It is designed to instruct singles on how to open up to God's vision for their lives and to create an expectant hope of restoration from their past mistakes. While many singles seek answers from friends, dating services, single ministries, chat rooms, and even bars and clubs, A New Vision for Dating offers real life answers articulated in a way that affects the spirit, as well as the intellect.

More than just offering information, A New Vision for Dating instructs the reader on how to change, to forgive, to move on, and leave destructive patterns behind. The reader is prompted to make an affirmation after most chapters and do some soul-searching to resolve old issues. Creative stories are interwoven throughout the book to illustrate the principles that are presented.

Stacy Hord was crowned Mrs. Missouri 1997 and later hosted a popular Christian morning talk radio show, "Rod and Stacy in the Mornings." A single mother of three boys, Stacy attends James River Assembly, a church of over 12,000, and has served in many facets of the Divorce Recovery Program and other ministries. She is a keynote speaker and passionate about overcoming the stigmas and hopelessness associated with "single-again" adults by unveiling God's heart of grace and restoration.

Visit the author's website: www.newvision4dating.com


Listen to Shawn Myer's interview with author.


Table of Contents

Lonely and Hurting Singles, Please Enter This Door       6
New Beginnings
1.  The Night That Changed Everything                          28
2.  The Judge, the Attorney, and the Prosecutor             36
3.  Leah’s Honeymoon                                                  47 
4.  Get Out the Artillery                                                 53
                 Put Your Past to Rest and Move On
5.  The Ball and Chain                                                   62
6.  Hummingbirds                                                          71
7.  Fatherless Memories                                                79
8.  No Limits, No Boundaries                                        88
          A New Vision for a New Kind of Relationship
9.  What’s a Dysfunctional Relationship?                        95
10.  Attraction Isn’t the Only Thing                                102
11.  Taking Responsibility for Your Relationship            112
12.  The Sleeping Giant                                                 119

                       Practicing to Be a Good Mate
13.  For Richer or Poorer                                              132
          14.  Slicing and Dicing                                                   139           
15.  Loneliness—Let It Serve a Purpose in Your Life     146
16.  Those Crazy Button Pushers!                                  156
                           In Those Times of Doubt
17.  When God Comes on the Scene                             164
18.  How Will I Ever Meet Someone?                           171
19.  You Can, You Must, and You Will!                        181
20.  Why Am I Waiting on God Anyway?                      190
21.  Our Precious Desert Experience                             198
                           What’s Ahead for You?

22.  Restoration Is for You!                                            205
23.  The Mercy of God                                                  212
24.  Can You and I Really Trust God?                           220
               Three Things That Will Change Your Life
25.  When You Need Answers                                       228
.  If I Could Go Back and Do It All Again . . .             235
27.  Creating Your Legacy                                              245
Conclusion                                                                     255