Is the "woman of valor" described in Proverbs 31 a role model for women today? Are you intimidated by the requirements that seem to be imposed upon women in this passage?
Emily Mockovciak opens new windows of understanding regarding this frequently misunderstood Bible chapter by digging deeply into each Hebrew verse and taking the reader behind the scenes with fresh insights into the heart of God. Woman of Valor challenges the traditional role of women who are applauded only for their achievements. It gives spiritual understanding and freedom to those who may feel they can?t live up to the standards of Proverbs 31. By reading this book, women will learn how to face their fears, explore their unique capacities, become powerful in their influence, and set their minds on spiritual rather than temporal values.
Emily Mockovciak is a Bible teacher who has ministered to various missionary organizations and other groups. She has been involved with Women's Aglow Fellowship, both as the president of a local chapter and as a member of the East Coast Leadership Team. She and her husband established/pastored a charismatic church in the Hudson-Catskill region of New York. From 2004-2007, Emily served as Director of Student Affairs and on the Kona Leadership Team for Youth With a Mission?s primary training center in Kona, Hawaii. She has also served in a messianic congregation in Haifa, Israel?Kehilat HaCarmel?where she taught the principles of Woman of Valor to ladies from many nations. Now living in Concord, NC, Emily continues to teach her insights from Proverbs 31.
Listen to Lloyd Hildebrand's interview with the author.