Manhood: Navigating the Mind Fields

Manhood: Navigating the Mind Fields

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Today's Christian men are bombarded with sexual temptations from the Internet, television, movies, and the whole sensually explicit culture. In Manhood: Navigating the Mind Fields, Peter Pritchard offers thirty-one daily devotional readings for men seeking victory over temptation and concerned with producing lives of greater purity of thought and action.

Unlike many 365-day devotional books, this series of thirty-one men's devotionals may be read in one month or repeated monthly around the year.

Male mental and moral purity requires personal and constant devotion to God, a deep commitment to the Scriptures, and a conscious decision to bring the mind under subjection to Jesus Christ.

The story of Joseph and Potiphar's wife, which is used in one of the devotionals, has become a metaphor for the spiritual and behavioral struggle in many men's lives. Much as Joseph resisted the brazen propositions of Potiphar's wife, today's Christian men must resist sexual temptation and learn to say, "How then could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God?" (Genesis 39:9).

Peter Pritchard has been an executive recruiter for over twenty years, and has concurrently been a servant-leader in the church as a deacon, elder, and associate pastor. Since receiving Christ at age fourteen, he has always had a burden for bringing others to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. In 1999, he graduated with a Master of Divinity degree from Ashland Theological Seminary in Ohio, and was ordained to the ministry the following morning. He and his wife Junie were married in 1981 and have four children.


Listen to Lloyd Hildebrand's interview with the author.