101 Dumbest Things People Have Done

101 Dumbest Things People Have Done

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Who hasn’t done something dumb at least once? For many of us it’s more of a daily routine! Ray Comfort possesses that rare quality of being able to laugh at his own mistakes, and this kind of self-deprecating humor fills the pages of this delightful book.

Ray also shares incredibly funny stories from the lives of others, stories that will keep you laughing for days to come. This treasure chest of laughter is a very effective evangelistic tool that gently leads the reader to God, the one who created our sense of humor in the first place. It will help those who do not know Him to experience the fullness of His joy in their lives both now and forevermore.

Ray Comfort co-hosts (with Kirk Cameron) the award-winning television show, “The Way of the Master.” He is the author of more than 50 books, including The Evidence Bible (a 2002 Gold Medallion Award finalist). His ministry has been commended by Franklin Graham, David Wilkerson, Dr. D. James Kennedy, Leonard Ravenhill, Joni Eareckson Tada, John MacArthur, Josh McDowell, David Jeremiah, Dr. Jerry Falwell, and many other Christian leaders. He and his wife, Sue, live in southern California.