Keziah is the heart-rending story as told by mother Lizzie during her forty-one-week pregnancy which ended tragically in her beautiful baby girl Keziah being stillborn. Lizzie has gracefully managed to capture this journey throughout the highs and the lows, the tears and the laughter, the sorrows and the joys.
This is not just a book but a healing and comforting "Guidebook to Hope" to help anyone who has suffered the same tragic loss of a child.
"This book will challenge you to take a deeper look into the core of your being. It will encourage you to have a greater dependency on Him and His Word in the most difficult moments of your life." Bill Wilson, Senior Pastor and Founder Metro Ministries
"Keziah is the heart-rending story as told by mother Lizzie during her forty-one-week pregnancy which ended tragically in her beautiful baby girl Keziah being stillborn. Lizzie has gracefully managed to capture this journey throughout the highs and the lows, the tears and the laughter, the sorrows and the joys. This is not just a book but a healing and comforting “Guidebook to Hope” to help anyone who has suffered the same tragic loss of a child." Lara Martin, Songwriter, Worship Leader
"A story etched with grief and joy, loss and enrichment, inner strength and hope. It will inspire you to discover more of the character and presence of God that is unswerving and unchanging in the midst of painful storms." Lizby Warren, Senior Pastor and College Principal, C3 Church, Amsterdam
"This amazing couple were coping with an extremely bewildering time as their unborn child had been diagnosed with Edwards syndrome. Having been a midwife for thirty years I am eternally grateful for all that Lizzie and Mark have taught me as I watched and wept with them as they embraced Keziah’s journey." Alison Eagle, Midwifery Manager, PRU site SLHT
"This biography of hers is indescribably moving, incredibly uplifting, uniquely encouraging and undeniably exemplary!" Ken Burnett, Founder, Prayer for Israel
"It is a story of faith triumphing in the darkest of times, and it testifies that God’s promises to His children never fail." Peter Mawson, Co-pastor, Headley Park Church, Bristol