The Joy of the Lord

Nehemiah wrote, "The joy of the Lord is your strength" (Nehemiah 8:10).

The author of two of our Pure Gold Classics, A.W. Tozer, wrote these stirring words about joy: "George Mueller would not preach until his heart was happy in the grace of God; Jan Ruysbroeck would not write while his feelings were low, but would retire to a quiet place and wait on God till he felt the spirit of inspiration. It is well known that the elevated spirits of a group of Moravians convinced John Wesley of the reality of their religion, and helped to bring him a short time later to a state of true conversion.

"The Christian owes it to the world to be supernaturally joyful."

What an amazing concept--to be supernaturally joyful. Such joy comes from God, and in such joy we can experience His presence.

May you be filled with joy today.

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