
Showing 1 - 5 of 5 Results
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1. Cómo Conducir A Tus Hijos A Cristo
  • $9.99
This is the Spanish edition of How to Lead Your Children to Christ: Avoiding the Tragedy of False Conversion.
978-1-878859-53-2 - PB - 158 pgs - Ray Comfort
2. Derribe Sus Murallas
  • $13.99
Este libro es una lectura obligada para todas las personas que buscan romper las cadenas que los atan. (This book is a must-read for every person seeking to break the chains that bind them.)
978-0-88270-787-7 - TPB - 222 pgs - Liberty Savard
3. Dios Tiene Un Plan Maravilloso Para Tu Vida
  • $8.99
This is the Spanish edition of God Has a Wonderful Plan for Your Life: The Myth of the Modern Message.
978-1-936906-00-0 - PB - 144 pgs - Ray Comfort
4. El Perdon (Forgiveness)
  • $13.99
Diez medidas practicas para perdonar a otros, Dios, y usted mismo. (Ten practical steps to forgiving others, God, and yourself.)
978-088270-356-5 - PB 6 x 9 - 148 pgs - Paul J. Meyer
5. Nacio para morir (Born to Die)
  • $11.99
Revela como Jesus cumplio cada sacrificio Levitico en la Cruz. (Reveals how Jesus fulfilled each Levitical sacrifice on the Cross.)
978-088270-371-8 - TPB - 144 pages - Doug Stringer