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121. Hope and Healing for the Abused
  • $10.99
Many Christians carry scars of physical, racial, emotional, spiritual, or sexual abuse. This work explains how abuse affects the way we relate to God, to others, and to ourselves. This book is for those affected, and for those in pastoral ministry.
978-1-85240-480-2 - TPB - 128 pgs - Paul and Liz Griffin
122. Hw Then Shall We Answer
  • $18.99
The author of this book is a noted evangelist; he gives a reasoned defense of the Gospel in compelling arguments, contextualizing the material as examples for those less familiar with public speaking.
978-1-903725-81-8 - TPB - 286 pgs - Joe Boot
123. How to Be Filled With Spiritual Power
  • $13.99
Lessons in healing based on the miracle ministry of John G. Lake.
978-0-88270-098-4 - TPB - 224 pgs - Harold J. Chadwick
124. How to Know God Exists
  • $12.99
The author, a noted evangelist, applies basic logic to three clear evidences of God, and uses scientific proof to show that God exists.
978-0-88270-432-6 - TPB - 192 pgs - Ray Comfort
125. How to Live Forever - Wtihout Being Religious
  • $9.99
This book is a quick-study manual for evangelism; includes the Gospel of John.
978-0-88270-425-8 - PB 6.25 x 3.25 - 122 pgs - Ray Comfort
126. How to Live Like a King's Kid
  • $13.99
Miracles happen when you take God at His word. A challenging life-changing book.
978-0-88270-375-6 - PB 5.5 x 8.5 - 200 pgs - Harold Hill
127. How to Pray for the Release of the Holy Spirit
  • $12.99
A manual for helping others understand receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
978-0-88270-593-4 TPB - 142 pgs - Dennis Bennett
128. How to Win Soulds & Influence People
  • $16.99
Get rid of your fear of evangelizing.This book teaches the reluctant evangelist simple witnessing techniques.
978-0-88270-788-4 - TPB - 348 pgs - Ray Comfort
129. Humility
  • $12.99
It has been said that pride is the mother of all sins, and, unfortunately, Christians often suffer from it as much as non-believers. For that reason, this book should be read time and again by every Christian.
978-0-88270-854-6 - TPB - 144 pgs - Andrew Murray - Audio Download
130. I Believe in Miracles
  • $14.99
Kathryn Kulhman believed in miracles because she believed in God.
978-0-88270-657-3 - TPB - 256 pgs - Kathryn Kuhlman
131. I Shall Not Want
  • $14.99
In this passionate book, founded in God's amazing grace, Andrew Owen unpacks the most famous of all Scriptures, the 23rd Psalm. What did David have in mind when he wrote this marvelous psalm? Here is a book to be enjoyed by God chasers everywhere.
978-1-905991-55-6 - TPB - 160 pgs - Andrew Owen
132. Identity Theft: Finding the Missing Person in You
  • $11.99
Learn how to discover your true identity in Christ, God's plan for your life, and now to protect and nurture your identity.
978-1-905991-11-2 - TPB - 128 pgs - Dr. John Andrews
  • $9.99
This is a fun-filled mixture of humor and wisdom. The book attempts to answer the question, "Wouldn't life be simpler if we knew what happened next? It shows you how to cooperate with God in the fulfillment of His purposes.
978-1-905991-98-6 - TPB - 128 pgs
134. If You Be the Son of God Come Down from the Cross
  • $16.99
This book challenges views that are commonly held among Christians regarding sonship, suffering, and God's ultimate purpose for the people of Israel.
978-1-903725-63-4 - TPB - 224 pgs - Julia Blum
135. Illusions of Intimacy
  • $16.99
This book unmasks patterns of sexual addition and brings deep healing to those who struggle. It gives hope and presents practical and godly ways to find freedom from this bondage.
978-1-85240-375-1 - TPB - 256 pgs - Signa Bodisbaugh
136. In God's Image
  • $17.99
This modern classic reveals God's character in an eloquent and profoundly tangible way. It provides deep insight in the form of 130 daily teachings for a journey of radical and authentic change.
978-1-85240-535-9 - TPB - 320 pgs - Marcel Rebiai
137. In His Steps
  • $15.99
The popular expression of a few year's ago, "What Would Jesus Do?", was taken from this book. What would He do? Read "In His Steps" and decide for yourself.
978-0-88270-782-2 - TPB - Pgs 343 - Charles M. Sheldon - Audio Download
138. In Rebel Hands
  • $19.99
Trish and five other missionaries were abducted in Mozambique in 1987, and subjected to a three-month forced mark. This book explores the dealings God had in their lives that ultimately showed them they were not in rebel hands, but in His.
978-1-85240-504-5 - TPB - 416 pgs - Trish Perkins
139. In Search of a Father
  • $12.99
This book is for every boy and man. It's for those who grew up with a father, for those who grew up without one, and for those whose relationship with their father was less than what they desired.
978-0-88270-996-3 - TPB - 184 pgs - Terrence Wilson
140. In Search of Blessings
  • $13.99
Kathryn Kuhlman teaches how God's children can take hold of His kingdom through His promises.
978-0-88270-869-0 - TPB - 152 pgs - Kathryn Kuhlman
141. Increasing Your Personal Capacity
  • $14.99
Understand why you are often kept from reaching your personal potential in our relationships with God, your family, your church, and your work. This book will revolutionize the way you see yourself and your future.
978-193-002-722-0 TPB - 160 pgs - Eddie Windsor
142. New Age Lies Exposed
  • $11.99
Taking on the issue of "spectator Christianity" in his book, Infusion, Jack Redmond writes to a Church that has been passive in reaching out to a sinful and dying world.
978-0-88270-441-8 - TPB - 176 pgs - Jack Redmond
143. Inspirational Wit and Wisdom From the Internet
  • $14.99
Includes interactive CD of material to share with friends and family in graphic and colorful emails.
978-0-88270-088-5 - TPB - 244 pgs - David W. Balsiger
144. Intelligent Design vs Evolution: Letters to an Atheist
  • $11.99
This is a passionate and heated online debate between an avowed atheist and a patient evangelist; a fascinating DVD is included.
978-0-88270-166-0 - TPB - 122 pgs - Ray Comfort
145. Interceeding for Revival
  • $9.99
The books is the spiritual biography of a man who has "given his attention to prayer and the ministry of the word" (Acts 6:4). It is rich in examples the author's ministry and from other contemporary leaders.
978-1-905991-50-1 - TPB - 128 pgs - Andrew Baguley
146. Intercession and Healing
  • $14.99
After two decades ministering to healing needs, ranging from severe mental health issues to physical healing, Fiona has learned powerful principles that she shares in this down-to-earth book.
978-1-85240-500-7 - TPB - 176 pgs - Fiona Horrobin
147. Interior Castle
  • $15.99
Teresa of Avila wrote several books during her life that have become spiritual classics. This is perhaps the best-known of all of them.
978-0-88270-464-7 - TPB - 344 pgs - St. Teresa of Avila - Audio CD
148. Isalm and Christianity
  • $16.99
An intriguing study of the differences between Islam and Christianity that sheds light on the practices and teachings of Islam.
978-0-88270-611-5 - TPB - 389 pgs - Dr. James F. Gauss
149. Isreal: The Land of God's Promise
  • $16.99
This book will help you discover how God's promises to the Jewish people and the land of Israel are significant to the development of the Body of Christ.
978-1-85240-442-0 - TPB - 288 pgs - Murray Dixon
150. Jacob I Have Loved
  • $15.99
God often deals with us in mystifying ways. There is no greater example of how God shapes a person than the remarkable story of Jacob, which is an illustration of God's desire to totally transform our fallen nature.
978-1-85240-476-5 - TPB - 160 pgs - Lance Lambert
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